Friday, April 6, 2012

May 17th the dreaded day arrived

Hello reader, this is my stupid diary, (Annie Black) I live in Nansterdome in the Four Kingdoms, the world created by Tayla Durham, I'm eleven years old and this is probably been the worst day of my life
well don't take it from on

May 17th

Dearest  Diary,

I feel extremely, I’ll put it nicely, stupid for writing in you. But you’re the only place I can put my frustrations without planting them in my sister’s face, though I think that Clarissa would look really nice with a black eye or something. The only problem is that you can’t comment back saying, “Nice hook, try an uppercut next time!”

It’s been a rotten past few months, (years) ever since Clarissa met Jamison Huckston Taylor, and then got engaged, and then today, married. Bleck. I’ve met more people in the past few months then I ever knew I wanted too.

Including, Laura Sylvia Hawkins Taylor and her husband Nathan Taylor “Huck’s” parents. Who are two people famous for helping stop the civil war in Silverdale, though when I asked Laura just said, “It was really Payton who did it.” and ended the conversation.

Payton Jackson Hawkins, long dead twin brother of Laura Sylvia Hawkins Taylor, true hero of Silverdale. Blah, blah, blah.

The really only problem with that statement is, I’M FROM NANSTERDOME AND I DO NOT CARE!

Too put it nicely, again, Silverdalians and people from Nansterdome don’t like each other. We haven’t since King Wallace’s (the fatso king of Nansterdome) grandfather executed a Silverdalian nobleman by mistake and Silverdale cut off most trade with us in Nansterdome. After that people just started to hate each other even more than they had before.

I’m not on the side of the nobleman, he was trying to weasel a deal out of the king at the time to extend the borders of Silverdale just a little bit down, the king saw it as treason and hung the guy. Why can’t Silverdale just stay where it is? And why can’t two Silverdalian war heroes go back to Silverdale and take their stupid snotty kids with them?

Ahh, the questions of life.

More importantly, this question has been bugging me all day, if a bunch of cats jumped on each other, would it still be considered a “dog pile?”

Yes so Clarissa my perfect older sister got married to Huck Taylor, and I had to sit and watch them laugh, slam cake in each other’s faces (okay, so I would’ve like to have done that, but it wouldn’t have been for fun) while everyone commented to me on how perfect Clarissa looks, how much like an angel she is and how I Annison Jaylean Black should act more like my perfect older sister.

Not only that, people were also comparing me to Natalie, my other perfect older sister, you think just one perfect older sister would be torture enough but noooo as luck would have it, I ended up having two sister and I’m also the youngest sister which means I have to try to live up to fill their perfect dainty shoes, to make the family look good one last time, to become, like they have become, perfect examples of Nansterdome nobility…and throw up…there are some major problems to why this’ll never work for me, see list below…

1.      My feet are huge

2.     I’m so klutzy in proper shoes I could trip air if I tried hard enough

3.    I don’t care about looking good, my face full of freckles is a good indication of that

4.    Who cares if I’m a perfect example of Nansterdome nobility?

5.    I may have my family’s red hair but it sure as heck doesn’t mean I’m going to end up acting like the rest of my family, I mean why say, “pass the cookies” and have to wait forty five minutes for the plate to make it around the entire table when it was right next to you to begin with (and by that time tehre’s crumbs left) when you can just grab the plate? I mean not being proper is a whole lot easier then being proper.

6.     I think I’ll puke if I have to act like a proper lady, tight dresses, tight shoes, no thanks

7.    Do I really need to have a seventh reason? I think you get the point.

Anyway, I think the only people who didn’t tell me to be like either Natalie or Clarissa, was Laura Taylor and Nathan Taylor, and that’s because 1) I didn’t talk to Nathan and 2) I ran off before Laura could even start talking about my family.

Even my parents told me I should be more like Natalie and Clarissa and if that doesn’t make you feel super warm and fuzzy about yourself nothing will. I mean these are my parents they should appreciate me for who I am right?

No deal. They still want me to be like Clarissa, and Natalie.

Oh great, there’s Mum calling me down from my nice cozy tree, betcha five gold coins she’s going to tell me to put my shoes back on and to sit in a tree like a proper lady. (provided that’s even possible, I’m lying flat on my back on a tree branch with one leg pressing against the trunk and one leg against another branch to stay in the tree, thus explaining why my handwriting is so awful)

Yes Mother, I’m coming.

Maybe if I drop on her head, it’ll knock some sense into her.

Here’s hoping

Yours truly

Annie Black

The black sheep of the Black family.

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